Festival's Basic Information
Ellen Pope, Executive Director, Otsego 2000, director@otsego2000.org
Margaret Parsons, artistic director, Glimmerglass Film Days (a program of Otsego 2000)
Peg Odell, Program and Communications Manager, Otsego 2000, pegodell@otsego2000.org
Margaret Parsons
Joey Katz, jkatz@glimmerglassfilmdays.org
Xander Moffat
Cooperstown, NY
Audience Choice Award 2023: The Nettle Dress, (Dylan Howitt, 2023, United Kingdom, 68 minutes)
Feature Documentaries and Narratives and shorts that explore the environment and humanity’s complex relationship with the natural world.
5 day festival with 25+ screenings, plus parties, video art exhibition, hikes and walks, filmmaker talks.
Filmmaker panels and Q&As; art exhibition; hikes and walks.
Normally 5 venues. All our events/screenings are open to the public (with ticket purchase).
1 screening per film — 25-30 screenings per year